ZAP! Zeros Aren’t Permitted!!

Lilie Watson


ZAP stands for- Zeros Aren’t Permitted. ZAP is a program where students who have not finished their assignments used to go during their lunch period to an extra study hall to finish missing work. This year, students are using 3rd period SWARM time to be pulled to finish incomplete work.  The way you get put into the ZAP program is you either have work to finish or work to make up from that week or the previous week. When you go to ZAP you will always have a teacher in the classroom,  if you have any questions on the work you are doing, they are there to help. If you finish before the work period is over you have to stay in that classroom until the next bell rings. To know if you have been placed in the ZAP program,  go to your email on your chromebook. If you don’t want to be placed into the  ZAP program then finish your work!