CHS Cheer

Clinton High School cheer has been very busy this summer as the girls are going into a new year with a new coach, Emily Rains. The girls have been doing many fundraisers throughout the summer such as a car wash, bake sale, raffle tickets for a 50” flat screen television, and many more things. In June, the cheerleaders went to Hot Springs for a very advanced cheer camp where they learned many new dances and cheers to do on the sidelines for the upcoming games. This year’s cheer squad is made up of twelve girls: three seniors, two juniors, and seven sophomores. The head captain is Savannah Lynch and the co-captains this year are Destiny Hobbs and Caitlyn Speer. The two juniors are Emily Kirk and Hallie Treece, and the seven sophomores are Lauren Wells, Livie Dufrene, Aly Graddy, Ellie McCormac, Tania Armes, Courtney Webb, and Emma Coward. The cheer squad would not be half of who they are without their manager, Kayla Prosser. The girls are very excited to show out this year, and bring spirit into the school!