Clinton Welcomes Mr. Chalk!
Mr. Chalk grew up right down the road in Dennard, Arkansas and attended Clinton School. His dad was the junior high janitor for a number of years. His family did not have a lot of money, but that did not stop him from making something of himself.
Mr. Chalk graduated from Clinton in 1986. From then he attended U of A to get his bachelor’s degree. After graduating from U of A, he went to Texas where he met his wife, and ended up coaching football and teaching for 14 years. They decided to pack up and come back to Arkansas where he was the head football coach at Paris and Dumas. Mr. Chalk received his degree in administration, then decided to move back to Texas. He coached football again, and he opened up a new high school with 2,700 kids attending there. Not long after that, Mr. Chalk had three kids of his own. He wanted them to attend a smaller school where they would have a greater opportunity to have good relationships with others.
Mr. Chalk then became the principal at a school in the small town of Omaha and later became the principal at Gravette High School. He became the superintendent at Atkins, and has now found his way back home to the great school he graduated from. When asked what made him be interested in choosing education for a career, he said “the teachers here at Clinton.” He would receive a birthday present of a renewal of the VBC Democrat and saw how good things were going at Clinton High School, which tickled his fancy. Just last week his old teachers came up to take pictures of him for making history in being the first hometown superintendent. It made him feel good and important. When asked about his future plans for this school at an opening ceremony for the position, he quoted Ricky Bobby from Talladega Nights: “If your not first you’re last.” Mr. Chalk wants Clinton to be the best at everything including athletics, clubs, and academics.
The thing that he likes most about Clinton so far is that he gets to see his son, Jobe, wear the yellowjacket football uniform. It fills him up with pride to see that. On his last comment he said, “I’ve noticed that we have a great staff all around campus, and rural Arkansas wouldn’t seem to be good but the staff cares and loves the students and they are good. The school has great leadership by school board and principal and staff. You’d think the job is hard, but it isn’t because they do so well.” Mr. Chalk loves being at Clinton. Mr. Chalk said “If someone would’ve asked me as a teenager where I would be in 30 years, I would’ve never dreamed of being back home as superintendent at Clinton High School.” Mr. Chalk says that he is very blessed to be back here with the great staff, students, and school board. This is his 28th year being involved in the education field, and he is working on getting his doctorate degree with Steville Texas.