Clinton FBLA Successful at District Competition

FBLA had District on January 18 where they competed at Mountain Home on  the ASU campus. Students were tested in many different events like, financial/ business concepts and strategies. There was approximately 30 schools. At district Clinton students was  able to tour the ASU campus along with going to watch the talent show. Johnson said, “ All of our teams competing have made it to top 5 and will be competing for state.” Anna Belle Reece ran  for district 6 secretary and won. Gisselle Hernandez is the FBLA state vice president and president of district 6 where she presented the awards ceremony.

Congratulations to CHS FBLA led by Tammy Johnson for their success at District Competition!

District Officer Election for Secretary won by Anna Belle Reece.


Abigail James and Braiz Lynch – 1st Banking and Financial Systems Team Event
Alex Prosser 3rd Cyber Security
Sophia Cabana and Erika Sykes 3rd Entrepreneurship Team Event
Laura Knoerr 2nd Intro to Business Procedures
Abigail Bone 3rd Intro to Business
Ashlyn Watson – 5th Intro to Business Communications
Trey Puckett — 4th Intro to FBLA
Ian Thompson – 3rd Intro to Financial Math
Joseph Strawn and Kayden Summers – 3rd Sports and Entertainment Management Team Event