Clinton Dominates NCA District Fair

The North Central Arkansas District Fair is in full swing in Melbourne this week.  Just two days in, and Clinton has proven to be a dominating force with multiple wins.  The following students took home top honors yesterday in their respective divisions:

Lamb Show

-Emily Kirk- Grand Champion Market Lamb

-Natalie Alexander- Grand Champion Commercial Ewe, Grand Champion Supreme Breeding

-Dakota Mooney- Grand Champion Arkansas Bred Lamb, Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Ewe, Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb, and Senior Lamb Showmanship.

-Jayla Cody, Caitlin Cody, Regan Bradford, and Aly Bramlett received first place in each of their classes advancing them to the Grand Champion drive.

Goat Show

-Kaylee Hobbs- Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat

-Dakota Mooney, Shon Paul Hastings, and Ryan Jones each received first place in their classes advancing them to the Grand Champion drive.

A big congratulations to the students as well as the Ag teachers, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Wiedower, and Mr. Kimes.  Clinton is proud of all of our showmen and their hard work.


Emily Kirk


Natalie Alexander


Dakota Mooney


Kaylee Hobbs